
October 4, 2024    
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Type


Monthly networking & learning session for all Northeast Area curriculum, assessment, and instructional leaders.



Anyone who directs, coordinates, or supervises work in the area of…

  • curriculum
  • instruction
  • assessment
  • MnMTSS
  • professional development



The 1st Friday of every month from 10 – 11:30am



Virtual – Link to Join



Registration is not necessary; attend any session.  However, REGISTER HERE if you would like calendar invites with the zoom link + a reminder email with the agenda items for the month.





What To Expect:

10 – 10:30 – Updates and Concerns

  • A time to ask questions, share district updates, current work in districts, and get updates from the NESC team


10:30 – 11:30 – Monthly Topic 

  • A deeper dive, resource sharing, and exploration of monthly topics.  Each month’s topic will be decided by the group; each month an email will be sent with the meeting agenda to those who have registered.  


The topics listed below are suggestions, and can change depending on the needs of the group.


Universal Screeners, Fall, Winter, Spring Data Dives, and Interventions

  • Who’s using what?  What tools, reports, and resources are helpful?  Who in your district is looking at this data?  What are they doing with it?  What screener / MTSS decision making processes do you have in place?


Content Area Standards

  • What are the important changes to each of the content areas standards?  What updates, resources, and support is available from MDE?  What work have you done with your teachers within each content area?  What tools and resources have been helpful in understanding the changes in the standards?


Curriculum Materials

  • Who is using what currently?  Who is adopting new materials?  What materials have people looked at?  Liked / Didn’t like?  Discussion of an adoption process, timelines, tools, and resources.


MCA Testing Materials & Training

  • Training support materials, tips, and tricks.  Discussion on SpEd support, and the do’s and don’ts of testing.  Exploration and uses of MDE’s Testing 1, 2, 3, and MN Questions Tool, and Assessment Modules.


Evidence-Based Practices

  • What’s meant by evidence-based instructional practice?  How does this fit with the READ Act, changes to the Math standards, and the new PELSB Standards of Effective Practices and changes to your Teacher Development and Evaluation? 


Equitable Access for student receiving Special Education Services

  • How are we working to increase student success for ALL students in Core?  How are Core teachers and SpEd Teacher collaborating to ensure student success?  What support is needed to improve conditions for learning?


Additional Topics:

  • WBWF and other Legislation & Reports & Timelines
  • Q-Comp & PD  – how can they work together to better align with school improvement efforts
  • CTE programing, support, and obstacles