
October 24, 2024    
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Type


NESC staff will provide strategic guidance, tools, and support for district leaders and curriculum teams as they prepare for the purchase and adoption of curriculum materials.  The process and tools can be used for any subject area.


This community of practice is intended for:

  • Anyone planning to purchase and adopt curriculum materials this school year.
  • Anyone who would like tools and resources to ensure a more comprehensive approach to curriculum adoption
  • Individuals are welcome, but a team would be helpful.  Teams may include district leaders, principals, SpEd directors and/or teachers, curriculum leads, curriculum adoption teams, and teacher leaders.

When, Where, & What To Expect:

10/24 – Virtual, 1-3pm

  • Kickoff and Getting Ready: timelines & rollout plans, teaming, input and feedback loops

11/14 – Virtual, 1-3pm

  • Begin building selection criteria with a focus on the new standards and evidence-based instructional practices: what to know and what is needed

12/12 – Virtual, 1-3pm

  • Continue building selection criteria with a focus on the teacher and student materials: what do we want for students, what do teachers need; and assessments: what do we need to create a balanced assessment system

1/9 – Virtual, 1-3pm

  • Finalize selection criteria and build evaluation tool(s).  Create group questions and requests for the vendors / curriculum showcase

1/30 or 2/6 – In Person at the NESC, 9am – 3pm 

  • Vendor presentations and materials showcase.  Time to preview materials, ask questions, and narrow your selection.  Prepare to share materials with staff and plan next steps.

3/13 – Virtual, 1-3pm

  • Next steps: gathering feedback from staff,  piloting or not piloting, and tips for asking for what you need from vendors when purchasing; Planning your implementation process

Continued support as requested by the group.

Cost and Registration Information:

$750 per person, includes all 5 virtual sessions and 1 full day vendor showcase

Please complete this form to register for this community of practice by October 11th.

Each participant must register separately.  After completing the registration form, calendar invites will be sent to each participant.  

*Registration must be canceled by October 18th or your district will be invoiced.